Obavještavamo Vas da će se u listopadu održati staff week training u Gliwicama (Poljska) o čemu se može pronaći više informacija u privitku. Za naše Sveučilište je odobrena 1 stipendija i ljubazno molimo da se do 20.9..2017. jave osobe na vašim članicama zadužene za poslove međunarodne razmjene (sredstava za put i smještaj su osigurana kroz Erasmus+ program stipendiranja).

Zainteresirani trebaju dostaviti CV i  motivacijsko pismo  na engleskom jeziku. Nakon nominacije ispred našeg Ureda nominirana osoba će se trebati registrirati na link u emailu ispod.

Ukoliko budete imali dodatnih pitanja naš Ured stoji na raspolaganju.

Attached please find the draft programme of our event planned for October.

Registration form is available on-line at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=135NOtpsSU_DxIPuVo1sx3qHBYK49JsEqNjBp43FcGVs
Those interested in coming and participating are kindly asked to fill in the form as soon as possible.

Please note that:

  1. We do not foresee any fee from registered participants – organisational costs concerning this event will be covered from the project budget (‘organisational support’ draw)
  2. In case there is no Erasmus+ STT grant available within running projects (2016 and 2017, as in the table sent already) but your institution want to and may send its representatives to take part in the event, even if not for the whole week, they are welcome to register.
  3. For those participants to be funded with the STT (staff training mobility) grant:
  4. a)The newcomers / persons not attending similar events in previous years, will be given priority for awarding the grant
  5. b)Those institution still without PIC and/or without Erasmus+ KA107 agreement signed with us, if they want to send its participants, must complete the possession of validated PIC number and signed agreement before the mobility takes place.
  6. c)To be eligible for the grant, participant must attend all 5 working days in Gliwice – shorter stay means grant of 0 EUR.
  7. d)Grant will be paid out in cash, at our Financial Office, using the flat rates already mentioned in previous correspondence. Please re-check my previous mailings. The amount will be confirmed also in the invitation letters we will issue for each of participant.
  8. e)Flight/train/bus tickets and insurance must be bought by yourself (we do not interfere if on private or credited by home institution basis). No matter how much it will cost, participants will get the flat rate travel grant stated by the programme rules (also mentioned in my previous emails)
  9. For all participants (doesn’t matter with or without the STT grant from our project):
  10. a)Try to book flights with final destinations at international airports in Katowice (KTW) or Kraków / Cracow (KRK) because we will offer free pick-up service from those 2 airports or train/bus stations in those 2 cities.
  11. b)Those arriving in Warsaw (WAW) and without travel continuation by national flights to Katowice or Kraków, will have to take the express train from Warsaw to Katowice or Gliwice (intercity.pl/en,http://rozklad-pkp.pl/en). Route to be taken in such case:
    Warsaw Okęcie airport (WAW) – Warsaw Central Train Station:   train or bus (175) or taxi
    Warsaw Central Train Station – Katowice or Gliwice main stations: intercity train (www.intercity.pl/en). When deciding which one to take, check the travel time as they may go by different routes; the shortest and suggested ones are those within ~3 hrs of travel)
  12. c)Remember to check visa requirements for entering Poland. The Shengen visa issued by other consulate than the one of Poland shall work for it too.
    Not all nationalities are obliged to have visa but all of you shall have the invitation letter when travelling, just in case of check and questions on the border. Be aware that the immigration situation in Europe is very tense. More info on entering Poland rules can be found on:
    http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/p/msz_en/travel_to_poland/entering_poland/entering_poland;jsessionid=43E14CCE6AA5C9EAD13cmsap2p and


  1. d)Suggested hotels are:
    - given in the registration form. We work on getting some discounts for the participants of the event, but to get it (if finally possible) you must book your stay directly with the hotel, not via com or any other portal. In booking correspondence with hotel always mind “StaffWeek2017” please
    - made aware you will pay for it not at check-in during weekend but on Monday at the earliest, as the grants you will get from us on Monday 16th
  2. e)At this moment we still cannot offer any place in the SEZAM Guest House on SUT campus as it is still under reconstruction. It’s not clear if they will manage to start their lodging operations in October.

You are warmly welcome to come - we hope to see many of you here.


Agronomski i prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru
Biskupa Čule bb 88000 Mostar BiH
Tel.: +387 (0) 36 337 102,
Fax.: +387 (0) 36 337 105,
Studentska služba: +387 (0) 36 337 100,
Email: aptf@sum.ba, referada@aptf.sum.ba

Računi fakulteta

Žiro račun (KM):  

Devizni račun: 
IBAN: BA 393381304831854411;

ID: 4227088130064

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