Ministarstvo poljoprivrede Sjedinjenih Američkih Država (USDA) sa zadovoljstvom objavljuje poziv za učešće u novom ciklusu Cochran Fellowship Programa!

U 2024. godini će Cochran Fellowship Program ponuditi dvonedeljne stručne obuke o sljedećim temama:

  1. Agricultural Statistics - Overview of U.S. Agricultural Statistics

The program would cover various aspects of agricultural statistics collection, analysis, use and dissemination, and an overview of the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) practices and methodologies.  It should assist country to improve its statistics collection, analysis and use in determining policies and strategies, and improve quality and availability of a reliable agricultural statistics.

  1. Climate Change - Climate Change: Building Resilience

Droughts, floods, and hailstorms have been hitting BiH's agriculture over the last 10 years intermittently. Agricultural losses significantly affect the farmers’ welfare and boost food insecurity.  This program should help BiH to develop programs to support sustainable agriculture and build resilience to climate change.

  1. Smallholder Farming - Overview of Animal Health and Disease Management

The program should cover various animal diseases, preparation and implementation of control plans, laboratory diagnostics, and contingency planning. It should help BiH to manage animal diseases that negatively affects it capacity to trade with other countries in animal products.

Za učešće u programu je neophodno poznavanje engleskog jezika. Svi troškovi učešća u program su plaćeni, osim povratne avionske karte.  Obrazac za prijavu je u prilogu, a rok za prijavu je 7.7.2023. godine.

Ispunjenu prijavu s dodatnom dokumentacijom treba poslati poštom na adresu:

American Embassy Sarajevo
USDA/FAS - Cochran Fellowship Program
Roberta Frasurea 1
71000 Sarajevo

Molimo Vas da skeniranu prijavu pošaljete na email adresu  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. i kopiju na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Za dodatne informacije možete nazvati ured USDA/FAS Sarajevo, br. tel. 033 704 305 ili 061 184 755.



Agronomski i prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru
Biskupa Čule bb 88000 Mostar BiH
Tel.: +387 (0) 36 337 102,
Fax.: +387 (0) 36 337 105,
Studentska služba: +387 (0) 36 337 100,

Računi fakulteta

Žiro račun (KM):  

Devizni račun: 
IBAN: BA 393381304831854411;

ID: 4227088130064

Žiro račun Studenskog zbora (KM):  

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