Informaciju o ljetnoj školi o Europskoj Uniji koja će se održati  u razdoblj od 21. - 30.6.2022. u Pečuhu.
25 sudionika škole moći će dobiti CEEPUS stipendiju,a prijave se primaju do 1.5.2022.

Would you like to participate in a free summer course, earn credits, have fun, and enjoy being part of a multicultural community?

Participate in our Summer School “Europe in the Global Arena - 2022”, taking place between June 21 – 30, 2022, at the University of Pécs, Hungary!

Apply to our summer school now and get accepted into the program free of charge! Students from Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia can apply for the CEEPUS Scholarship to receive a participation fee waiver. Don’t hesitate! Apply now to this exceptional Summer School!

Our intensive but enjoyable 10-day long summer school will concentrate on discussing the different views of the place and role of the European Union both from internal and external perspectives. Stemming from its past and 60+-year-long history, lectures and debates will focus on analyzing the forthcoming period of the financial framework 2021-27 with a particular emphasis on the global pandemic and the post-COVID-19 era, together with how the EU can recover itself from political and economic points of view.

The course includes the following topics:

  • New Global Order – What about Europe in that World?
  • Central Eastern Europe and the Economic Transformation
  • Migrants and Migration Policies in the EU
  • Cultural Diversity in Europe
  • The Role of Place Branding in a Globalized Europe and the European Capital of Culture

In the evenings, students will participate in exciting and enriching social activities including Team Building session, a Quiz Night about the European Union, an Intercultural Evening and a Tresure Hunt in Pécs.

Language of instruction: English

Who can apply: The program is open to undergraduate, graduate and PhD students

Earned credits: 4 ECTS credits

Program fee: FREE of charge for CEEPUS Scholarship holders. The CEEPUS Scholarship covers your tuition and participation in various social activities.

How to apply for the CEEPUS Scholarship?

Complete the application form on the following site:

Europe in the Global Arena – Pécs Summer School 2022


Application deadline for the CEEPUS Scholarship: May 1, 2022

Please find more details about the summer course in the attached documents.

If you have additional questions, please visit our website at contact our colleagues at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Agronomski i prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru
Biskupa Čule bb 88000 Mostar BiH
Tel.: +387 (0) 36 337 102,
Fax.: +387 (0) 36 337 105,
Studentska služba: +387 (0) 36 337 100,

Računi fakulteta

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Devizni račun: 
IBAN: BA 393381304831854411;

ID: 4227088130064

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