Prosljeđujem informaciju kolega sa šleskog Sveučilišta za tehnologiju iz Gliwica, Poljska  o pozivu za sudjelovanje na njihovom tjednu trening mobilnosti osoblja koji će se održati u razdoblju od  18. do 22. listopada 2021. Kako nismo upoznati s brojem odobrenih Erasmus+ stipendija za ovaj program za naše Sveučilište, kolege sa Sveučilišta u Gliwicama će dostaviti tu informaciju prijavljenim kandidatima nakon okončanja natječaja.

Prijave se primaju online, putem sljedeće poveznice:

Više informacija o programu je dostupno na sljedećoj poveznici

We have the pleasure to invite international relation officers, university educators, professors and lecturers interested in innovative educational practices in HE sector to our SUT International Staff

Training Week 2021 which will be taking place in Gliwice, Poland during October 18 – 22, 2021.

The programme will offer seminars, workshops, presentations and discussion panels in the following thematic areas:

  • promoting various forms of interaction in online education
  • sustainable and inclusive approaches to complement and reinforce traditional form of mobility
  • disseminating good practices in implementing CLIL in HE sector
  • involving students in scientific research activities
  • project development processes
  • the relevance of VE and telecollaboration in fostering engagement among learners and educators in the pandemic crisis.
  • communicating and collaborating across cultures
  • international cooperation – institutional support

The idea of the SUT International Staff Training Week is to learn from each other, so we encourage all the international participants to present and share their good practices and project results.

The SUT International Staff Training Week will include networking with the faculty and staff of the Silesian University of Technology. The participants will also have the opportunity to discover the SUT campus and explore the region.

For this time, we plan to organize our International Staff Training Week in a stationary form. We will keep you updated about  decision on the form of organizing the meeting. We hope to meet you in Gliwice this year.

If you are interested in participating, we kindly invite you to fill in the application form available here:

The staff week is free of charge!

In the meantime, you’re welcome to visit our website where the program of our ISTW will be available soon.


Agronomski i prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru
Biskupa Čule bb 88000 Mostar BiH
Tel.: +387 (0) 36 337 102,
Fax.: +387 (0) 36 337 105,
Studentska služba: +387 (0) 36 337 100,

Računi fakulteta

Žiro račun (KM):  

Devizni račun: 
IBAN: BA 393381304831854411;

ID: 4227088130064

Žiro račun Studenskog zbora (KM):  

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