Za naše studente su odobrene tri stipendije i ljubazno molimo da obavijestite Vaše studente prvog ciklusa da do 27.11.2017. dostave sljedeću dokumentaciju:

  1. CV
  2. Aplikacijski obrazac
  3. Motivacijsko pismo (na engleskom jeziku)
  4. Kopiju putovnice
  5. Prijepis ocjena (na engleskom jeziku)

Također molimo studente da na svom Fakultetu u međuvremenu dogovore s odgovornom osobom (prodekan za nastavu ili međunarodnu suradnju) kako najbolje sastaviti  ugovor o učenju te uspostave kontakt s odgovarajućim fakultetom ili odijelom na Sveučilištu u Valenciji. Više informacija o ponuđenim kolegijima na Sveučilištu u Valenciji može se pronaći na linku

Također studentima će biti obvezno imati zdravsteveno sogiranje tijekom boravka na razmjnei o čeme se može više infromacija pronaći na linku .

Dear colleague,

Warm greeting from Valencia.

We are very satisfied with your collaboration, and we are writing you because we have the possibility to offer you one more mobility only funded by 2016 Project (that one must be implemented in the second semester of this academic course 2017-2018. It is very important because, after the second semester we will lose it. Please, if you are interested please confirm us and follow the instructions of the email regarding the nomination procedure for implementing it).

Deadlines at a glance:

For Universities: Nomination – Until November 31st, 2017

For Students: Application – Until December 15th, 2017


If you wish to send us your student nominations, within the Erasmus+ Programme, please fill in one nomination form per student (see the attached document) and send it/them to us by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We will only accept nominations sent by the International Office of a University with which the UV has signed a specific agreement.

Before filling in the form, please pay attention to the curriculum of our undergraduates Degrees: in order to find the best option for your students. Remember that we only accept undergraduate students. As the admission of Master or PhD students is not allowed, their nomination will be rejected.

It is highly recommended that applicants have a basic level of Spanish (approximately equivalent to CEFR B1) before coming to our university, since our classes are taught mainly in Spanish.

Application form:

After receiving the nominations, the International Relations Service will check if they are acceptable in accordance with the agreement (2 undergraduate students per 6 months) and will send to the students an e-mail with the information they need (link, user and password) to fill in the online application form.

The application period for spring semester is from October 10th to December 15th.

Students should

-  Fill in the application form electronically,

- Finally, upload the following documents:

ü  Passport

ü  Photograph (check the requirements at: )

ü  If you have one, an International health insurance covering the full length of your stay in Spain*

Health Insurance:

Please beware that a health insurance is mandatory in order to study at a Spanish university. If students have an EHIC-Card, this can be used as a substitution.

*Students from Non-EU-Countries, who do not have an EHIC-Card or an International Health Insurance, will receive a health insurance policy taken out by the University of Valencia.

More information:

You can find useful information at:

We are looking forward to welcoming your outgoing students at University of Valencia!

Kind regards,



Agronomski i prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru
Biskupa Čule bb 88000 Mostar BiH
Tel.: +387 (0) 36 337 102,
Fax.: +387 (0) 36 337 105,
Studentska služba: +387 (0) 36 337 100,

Računi fakulteta

Žiro račun (KM):  

Devizni račun: 
IBAN: BA 393381304831854411;

ID: 4227088130064

Žiro račun Studenskog zbora (KM):  

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