Raspored za polaganje online ispita iz španjolskog jezika za student koji se prijavljuju za mobilnost za Sveučilište u Granadi, a koji žele slušati kolegije na španjolskom jeziku i  ne posjeduju traženi certifikat o znanju španjolskog jezika za razinu B1. Prije polaganja studenti svakako trebaju biti prethodno nominirani od strane Ureda za međunarodnu suradnju. U tekstu ispod nalazi se više informacija te ukoliko bude bilo kakvih dodatnih upita vezano za način prijave i polaganja ispita stojimo na raspolaganju.

Dear colleagues,

as we informed you last week regarding the call for applications / nominations, Undergraduate and Master Erasmus students coming to the University of Granada are required to demonstrate a minimum level (B1) of proficiency in the language of instruction (primarily Spanish, plus a modest academic offer in English).

In order to accredit the required level (B1), applicants must provide a certificate of competence, according to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Since many students haven't got a certificate at the time of doing their application, the University of Granada gives them the chance of taking the eLADE (the UGR official bi-level (B1-B2) Spanish online exam, organised by the Centro de Lenguas Modernas (CLM): https://www.clm-granada.com/elade/index-en.html .

The exam fulfils all the international criteria for language accreditation, and has been recognized at national and European level. It is organized 2 times each year (May and  September), and its online format facilitates that it can be taken at the home university prior to the mobility, providing applicants with further opportunities to fulfil the language requirement.
Partner institutions may host the exam occasionally (for a particular call) or become an eLADE ExamCertified Test Examination Site: http://elade.es/en/elade-solicitud-sede.html

The next call of eLADE will take place on the 11th of May 2021. If you have undergraduate or master students interested in applying for the Erasmus+ KA107 scholarship at UGR and they know the language but they do not have the required accreditation, they can participate in the call for the exam. The registration deadline is the 15th April 2021Please, note that the exam is free for the students. The fees of the exam will be covered by the Organisation Support funds (Erasmus + EU funds of the Erasmus + International Credit Mobility Project). However, this exam should only be offered to students that do not already have an Official language proficiency exam at the time of being selected. Moreover, please make sure you have officially selected and intent to nominate the students that will take this test. The exam fees will be paid only for the number of students that are included in the Inter Institutional Agreement. That is, if you have 1 undergraduate student scholarship available in the Inter Institutional Agreement, the eLade fees of 1 student will be covered.

If you have applicants interested in taking the exam, please, get it contact with the Centro de Lenguas Modernas (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to inform them about their interest in taking the exam. In case you have students who will be nominated and will apply for admission at UGR and want to take this exam, please, let us know so that we can consider their applications until they get the outcome of the exam.

For further information please see below the info offered by the Centro de Lenguas Modernas:


Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to inform you about the Calls for the eLADE exam in 2021.

Call May 2021
Written exam: 11th May 2021 (9.00 am local time in Granada)
Oral exam:
 12th May 2021 (once the registration date is closed the CLM will inform about the oral schedule)
Registration date: 
until 30th April 2021


Call September 2021
Written exam: 21st September 2021 (9.00 am local time in Granada)
Oral exam: 22nd September 2021 (once the registration date is closed the CLM will inform about the oral schedule)
Registration date: from the 1st July until 15th September 2021


As the registration for the May call is opened, we kindly ask you to confirm us if you are interested in taking part in this call. The deadline for this confirmation is on the 15th of April 2021 and has to be done as follows:
1. "Documento de Confidencialidad y Privacidad del Examen": you have to fill in this document and sign it so that you can send it to our email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
2. In our web page you have to fill in the form with your information for the convocatory (call).

All information and documents are in http://elade.es/en/elade-solicitud-sede.html

Once the enrolment period is closed the Centro de Lenguas Modernas organizes the schedule for the oral exams and will inform the students as well as the institutions.

We hope to hear from you.


Agronomski i prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru
Biskupa Čule bb 88000 Mostar BiH
Tel.: +387 (0) 36 337 102,
Fax.: +387 (0) 36 337 105,
Studentska služba: +387 (0) 36 337 100,
Email: aptf@sum.ba, referada@aptf.sum.ba

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