
Otvaranju novog poziva za prijavu u okviru projekta EU4Tech PoC WB za 2021. godinu dostavite vašim odjelima kojima bi ista mogla biti zanimljiva. Poziv za podnošenje prijava se otvara 18.1.2021. i traje do konca veljače 2021. Otvaranje poziva započet će online putem zoom webinarom 18.1.2021. u 14:00 sati po CET na kojem će se moći dobiti više informacija o samom projektu i načinu podnošenja prijava.

Online launch of the 2021 EU4TECH PoC Call: January 18, 2021 at 14:00 CET

The Proof of Concept for the Western Balkans project announces the launch of the 2021 open call for projects.

The Proof of Concept for the Western Balkans project announces the launch of the 2021 open call for projects.

The call will open on Monday, January 18, 2021 and remain open until Sunday, February 28, 2021.

Starting January 18, 2021, you will be able to find all necessary information to apply on the EU4TECH PoC website.

You can also register for updates here.

The Launch will be accompanied by an online Zoom Webinar to introduce the call and answer questions.

Register for the Webinar here.

The Draft Agenda for the Launch event is below:

  • 14:00: Introduction to the PoC Project and Key Expert team
  • 14:15: Presentation by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission – ‘PoC in context’
  • 14:30: Outline of the support offered and comment from the 2020 cohort
  • 15:00 Detailed presentation of the PoC call including application and evaluation processes.
  • 15:20: Q&A
  • 15:30 END

The Zoom event is by registration only and numbers are limited. We advise you to register early. Updates on the launch agenda will be posted on the EU4TECH website and sent to those who have registered with the project or for the Webinar.

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