Faculty of Agriculture and Food technology The Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology (APTF) of the University of Mostar is a higher education institution in the field of agriculture and food technology. Faculty is dedicated to the education of highly qualified experts, development and broadening of professional knowledge in the field of agriculture and food technology. Since 1994 when it was founded, it has been continuously educating staff for transfer of modern achievements in the agricultural practice and for further scientific and research work aimed at finding new and better solutions for agricultural production or food industry. We have adopted 3+2+3 cycles of education with ECTS norms in 2005. Faculty has aligned its curriculum with the principles of the Bologna Declaration. Changes in the European education system from one side and need for modernization of studies from other were reasons for the reform of study curricula. Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology introduced 3 + 2 + 3 education system. These reforms are in alignment with the Bologna process and enable the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology to be part of the European area of Education, or “Europe of Knowledge”.
Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology, University of Mostar
Biskupa Čule bb 88000 Mostar BiH
Tel.: +387 (0) 36 337 102,
Fax.: +387 (0) 36 337 105,
Student Services: +387 (0) 36 337 100,
Email: aptf@sum.ba, referada@aptf.sum.ba
Bank account (KM):
Foreign currency account:
IBAN: BA 393381304831854411;
ID: 4227088130064
Bank account Student Union (KM):